Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Canonical. Patriarch Moses. Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Canonical. Patriarch Moses. Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Canonical. Patriarch Moses.
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  Main basis of UAOC * Vladyka Moisey * Your questions * Letters and responses * Vacancy  




Christ is risen!

Peace and every good to all who believe in Jesus Christ. Let everyone be aware that despite the fact that the Church of Christ is being chased and diluded by the forces of evil, it continues to become stronger and is being blessed. Therefore, the forces of hell can not conquer it.

The Holy Spirit calls His children and Bishops from all over the world to God's Church. As of today, there are 20 Bishops who belong to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - Canonical, and they elected Metropolitan Moisey as Primate over our Church in 40 countries of the world. The majority of the Hierarchs of our Church have either Doctorates in Theology or other higher degrees, and they teach in some of the most prestigious universities of the world. Metropolitan Moisey has also been awarded a honorary Doctorate in Theology.

Forty percent of the episcopal consecrations of our Bishops come from the line of the Apostle Andrew of the Greek and Alexandrian Churches. Sixty percent of the episcopal consecrations come from the Apostle Peter, founder of the Antiochian Church, and they hold the Apostolic Lines from the Tomos of 1924. Patriarch Mstyslav held the same Apostolic Lines. This is the only canonical consecration which holds legitimacy for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. The other Ukrainian Orthodox Churches, including those of Patriarch Filaret and Metropolitan Mefodiy, although claiming to be legitimate, have absolutely no connection to the true Apostolic Lines connected with the Tomos of 1924 and come from the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Holy Spirit, Himself, testifies to God's presence in the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - Canonical with God's gifts through which people are being healed both spiritually and physically. That is the way in which the Body of Christ's Church is being healed. To this effect, there are many testimonials being shared publically by many individuals.

The children of Satan have recently engaged in a war of slander and libel against us, but we continue to grow as a strong Church which is being built by Christ Himself, and we are happy and confident, because we are serving His will, not the will of man. Those ignorant in the ways of God and the spiritual good of Ukraine will collapse very soon, because they are guided by evil through personal and political motives, estanged from God, and are men of evil clothed in ornate and holy vestments.

We greet all members as well as Metropolitans Moses and Andrew with the fifteenth anniversary of the first Sobor of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in its third rebirth. We express a profound sadness while we watch the way in which the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church has been damaged, perverted and led to the most pitiful of states during the past thirteen years since its first betrayal of the ideals and goals of Patriarch Mstyslav and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

All these errors are being taken into account in the building up of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - Canonical in order to avoid the same mistakes.

The first and most important condition for success is the presence of a spiritual, patriotic leader in God's Church, a leader who journeys toward God's light without compromise and leads the people entrusted to him by God, a leader who has spiritual gifts, insight and discretion. This leader must be a man who could never betray those entrusted to him, because he believes in the ideals of Christ and the Kingdom of God on earth.

We are committed to building God's Church without intrigues, and we have peace, because the Holy Spirit purifies His Church of all possible intrigues. We have no tolerance for slander, muckraking, or negativity, because we have a sincere brotherhood which enjoys a pure dialogue in Christ and which expresses itself positively and constructively in the gathering of the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - Canonical.

All priests who aspire to the Truth are welcome to come to us with their prospective visions of what the Church of Jesus Christ should be, based on their personal, and often tragic, ecclesial expriences. For your personal information, when Archbishop Ihor Isychenko was fighting with Metropolitan Mefodiy for possession of the Consistory buildings earlier this year, Metropolitan Moisey offered to help him in this fight as well as the ensuing legal battle. However, Archbishop Ihor never responded and refusing this assitance, he lost not only his battle with Metropolitan Mefodiy but also his legal muckraking against Metropolitan Moisey. In addition, Archbishop Ihor put under attack the L'vivski Brotherhood which is highly respected by Metropolitan Moisey for its struggles in the early 1990's. This cunning political service of Archbishop Ihor was manipulated by his people and clergy will never be approved by God. The certificate of this is the decision of the Court found in Court Voucher 2-358/05. The decision in the name of Ukraine from April 4, 2005 of the Shevchenskiy Regional Court of Kyiv which declares the legitimacy of documents that assert that Metropolitan Moisey is a legitimate bishop with valid episcopal consecration and demanded an apology from Archbishop Ihor to Metropolitan Moisey and a public retraction by Archbishop Ihor of the false statements made by him.

Everyone should also be aware that the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church is officially registered in the United States of America (ID #16-1715126) and in countries in South America, Africa and some countries of the European Union -- all having their spiritual center in Kyiv.

Press Center of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - Canonical.


NewsSpiritual lessonsCanonical bishop lineHistory of UAOC
Main basis of UAOCVladyka MoiseyYour questionsLetters and responses
VacancyHierarchy of UAOC-CLinksPhotochronicles

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